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class collada.triangleset.TriangleSet(sources, material, index, xmlnode=None)

Bases: collada.primitive.Primitive

Class containing the data COLLADA puts in a <triangles> tag, a collection of triangles.

Inheritance diagram of collada.lineset.LineSet, collada.triangleset.TriangleSet, collada.polylist.Polylist, collada.polygons.Polygons

__init__(sources, material, index, xmlnode=None)

A TriangleSet should not be created manually. Instead, call the collada.geometry.Geometry.createTriangleSet() method after creating a geometry instance.


__init__(sources, material, index[, xmlnode]) A TriangleSet should not be created manually. Instead, call the
bind(matrix, materialnodebysymbol) Create a bound triangle set from this triangle set, transform and material mapping
load(collada, localscope, node)


normal Read-only numpy.array of size Nx3 where N is the number of normal values in the
normal_index Read-only numpy.array of size Nx3 where N is the number of vertices in the primitive.
texcoord_indexset Read-only tuple of texture coordinate index arrays.
texcoordset Read-only tuple of texture coordinate arrays.
vertex Read-only numpy.array of size Nx3 where N is the number of vertex points in the
vertex_index Read-only numpy.array of size Nx3 where N is the number of vertices in the primitive.
bind(matrix, materialnodebysymbol)

Create a bound triangle set from this triangle set, transform and material mapping


If normals is None or you wish for normals to be recomputed, call this method to recompute them.


If there are no texture tangents, this method will compute them. Texture coordinates must exist and it uses the first texture coordinate set.


Gets a collada.source.InputList representing the inputs from a primitive


Read-only numpy.array of size Nx3 where N is the number of normal values in the primitive’s normal source array.


Read-only numpy.array of size Nx3 where N is the number of vertices in the primitive. To get the actual normal values, one can use this array to select into the normals array, e.g. normal[normal_index].


Read-only tuple of texture binormal index arrays. Each value is a numpy.array of size Nx3 where N is the number of vertices in the primitive. To get the actual texture binormals, one can use the array to select into the texbinormalset array, e.g. texbinormalset[0][texbinormal_indexset[0]] would select the first set of texture binormals.


Read-only tuple of texture binormal arrays. Each value is a numpy.array of size Nx3 where N is the number of texture binormals in the primitive’s source array.


Read-only tuple of texture coordinate index arrays. Each value is a numpy.array of size Nx2 where N is the number of vertices in the primitive. To get the actual texture coordinates, one can use the array to select into the texcoordset array, e.g. texcoordset[0][texcoord_indexset[0]] would select the first set of texture coordinates.


Read-only tuple of texture coordinate arrays. Each value is a numpy.array of size Nx2 where N is the number of texture coordinates in the primitive’s source array.


Read-only tuple of texture tangent index arrays. Each value is a numpy.array of size Nx3 where N is the number of vertices in the primitive. To get the actual texture tangents, one can use the array to select into the textangentset array, e.g. textangentset[0][textangent_indexset[0]] would select the first set of texture tangents.


Read-only tuple of texture tangent arrays. Each value is a numpy.array of size Nx3 where N is the number of texture tangents in the primitive’s source array.


Read-only numpy.array of size Nx3 where N is the number of vertex points in the primitive’s vertex source array.


Read-only numpy.array of size Nx3 where N is the number of vertices in the primitive. To get the actual vertex points, one can use this array to select into the vertex array, e.g. vertex[vertex_index].